Legal notices

Information about the host.
26, Avenue de la Praille – 1227 Carouge / Geneva – SWITZERLAND
Phone: +41 22 820 35 44 – Fax: +41 22 301 67 69
Website :

2. Information about the publisher.
Publisher : Géraldine Fiol
Name and company name BESUSTAINABALL
Legal form Limited liability company (single shareholder company)
Share capital 500,00 Euros
SIRET: 904083946 00015
Address 1523 Rue Guy de Maupassant 01220 Divonne-les-Bains
email :

3. Information relating to the content of the site.
The contents of this site – texts and photos – are the property of besustainaball or are used with the agreement of their owners.
They may not be copied or used in any form without the written permission of besustainaball or one of their owners.

Credits : Doran Erickson – Oljato-Monument Valley, United States | RichVintage – Garçon d’affaires avec Jet Pack en Californie
| PeopleImages – Mère Nature a besoin de nous tous de jouer notre rôle | cppzone – Big group of people success mountain top | Successphoto – Asian business hand holding note paper meeting with new startup project use post it notes to share idea discussion and analysis data charts and graphs | Alexandre Dhordain – Géraldine Fiol’s profil.